Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Article Marketing Domination Product Review

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You see, although article marketing is an extremely effective traffic generation techinque, there is more to it than just composing an article and submitting it all over the place.

But, fortunately for you one of the most successful article marketers on the Internet has written an ebook revealing the exact technique he uses in order to conquer just about every niche he touches. It's call "Article Marketing Domination."

Josh's ebook is the most popular product on the subject of Article Marketing on the market, and for good reason, it simply WORKS!

In "AMD" Josh explains exactly how to craft a traffic pulling article, from the title to the "signature" and he puts to rest many of the common misconceptions associated with article marketing like "duplicate content."

If you haven't already, I highly recommend you click the link below and grab a copy of this industry leading article marketing ebook!!
"Article Marketing Domination."

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How To Make Money Through Article Marketing For Newbies Today

Article marketing seems to be the holy grail of internet marketing. Many internet marketers prefer it as one, it's free and secondly, enables you reach highly targeted prospects.

Before you start writing articles, first find an opportunity to promote. Make sure it is an opportunity you can easily write articles on or you can outsource the work out.

After choosing a niche, start writing articles. First make sure you choose a headline that is catchy- one that compels people to click and read your article. Your heading can mean the difference between having 20 people read your article in a month or a 100. Can you see why the Title or heading is so important?

If you don't know how to write headlines, simply Google" How to write headlines" and a lot of search results will be generated. Alternatively, go to article directories and search headlines that compel you want to click and then tweak them to use for your own headline.

Next is the body o the letter. Make it interesting reading and informative. That is what many online are searching for- information. Once it's good, they will read your article till the end.

The next is your signature. Your signature must compel your reader to click your link whether it is your website or an affiliate link. If you truly are a newbie, I will advise you use your affiliate link directly as you may not be professional in designing a converting website yet. This is true of most newbies. Fortunately most article directories enable you to cloak your affiliate link with a domain name! It is better to go this route than get your fingers burnt. You will earn far more through this means.

Last but not the least, submit your articles to article directories. The two most important are and Others are,, and several others.

The first two ensure that your articles are quickly picked by the search engines especially Google.
Also submit your articles to social media sites like twitter, facebook, stunbleupon,, Googlebuzz etc.

The more sites you submit your articles to, the greater the number of traffic you are bound to attract.

The ultimate secret to generating cool cash from article marketing is to write as many articles as possible. The more articles you write, the larger the amount of traffic you get. Some articles get more read than others. Do not get tired of writing articles for that is where success lies.

Some write 1 or 2 articles a day. Others write as many as five. Some write as many as a hundred or many more a month.

Let me give you testimony about the power of article marketing.

A waiter desperate to leave his dead end job decided to start writing articles to promote affiliate opportunities. He was writing about 5 articles a day after work posting them to as many article directories as possible. For the first 3weeks, he did not see a cent but by the Thursady of the 4th week, he suddenly noticed about $60 in his affiliate account. The following day, $33 and in the course of 30days made a total of $3117!

Do not forget the income is residual. He could keep earning that money for several months or even years if he did nothing.

So start writing articles today. Read further about article marketing from e-books and wishing you success in your endeavours

Crush The Competition. Learn How To Dominate Article Marketing Today!